Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Toe-may-toe, Toe-mah-toe

Same theory, different topic.
A cyst is typically benign and fluid filled, while a tumor is typically malignant and solid. That's the only difference.
Not to take away from the severity of a malignant tumor, but rather stating that this is the major difference between a cyst and tumor.
That being said, according to a medical website, the image I posted with this states different signs and symptoms of a pineal tumor. Interesting that I basically have EVERY symptom they list (and then some) for a tumor, yet every Dr I've ever seen has emphatically told me that there is no way this cyst and my symptoms are related.
So basically, in the medical mind.... a space occupying lesion that is malignant can only cause these symptoms. But the same space occupying lesion that is benign can in no way cause these symptoms. So the only possible conclusion..? Apparently only cancer can cause symptoms....
I call bullshit.
Again, not discounting the severity of cancer, but I don't believe that ONLY cancerous lesions will cause symptoms.
End rant.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The more things change, the more they stay the same..

A year and a half has gone by.
While I still feel like crap, and things haven't gotten better or easier, I'm still being told there's nothing wrong with me.
I can see obvious changes in my MRI's, but according to my Dr's appt today, I'm just looking for something because I WANT to see it... :-(
Yeah, and I WANT to feel like shit all the time, too...that's it.
So I was told there are absolutely NO changes in my brain, and there's nothing wrong with me. You decide if I'm just seeing things, or the Dr's right.
Cuz Dr's know best, right!??