What is this anomaly called a pineal cyst? This thing that Dr's refuse to acknowledge? This alien that took up residence in the center of my brain, this squatter... this, leech.
What is it, why is it there, why don't Dr's seem to care? If I had those answers, I wouldn't be stuck in the rut that I'm in. But! This is what I know....
This lesion/mass attached to the little known pineal gland seeded in the center of your brain and is almost as unrecognized as the gland itself. Other than it's anatomical location, most Dr's don't know what the gland is responsible for and refuse to acknowledge that a seemingly benign cystic lesion on it is anything to be concerned about. Most endocrinologists don't even think it's part of the endocrine system and can't tell you much about it... nor can neurologists, and especially not primary care physicians.
Basically, a cyst is defined as a benign liquid filed sac. No one knows exactly why or how these develop. What's more, there is a type of benign tumor that presents as a cyst in imaging. Dr's don't feel as if a benign cyst is anything to be concerned about, especially one that's located in the center of your brain. So, unless one is large enough to be causing hydrocephalus, they simply brush them off as incidental, refusing to acknowledge any potential issues that could arise from them.
So, how did mine get discovered..? Funny you should ask. Take a seat, you might be here a while...
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