So, I've done much research, and basically every site says just about the same thing. Occasionally you'll find something different, but it's rare. Below, I've put the basics together to give a better understanding of things. I only pull information from medical publishings, journals, or sites. While it's reassuring to know that you're not alone, it's unreliable to gain accurate information from hear say and personal experience, especially if you are trying to prove a case to a Dr.
As I find more helpful sites, I will post them.
What are pineal cysts?
Pineal cysts are cysts of the pineal gland, a small organ in the brain shaped like the seed of a pine cone that is responsible for making melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Pineal cysts may be found by chance in up to 10% of people undergoing CT or MRI brain imaging, and they occur in three times more women than men. Most pineal cysts do not cause symptoms and stay the same size over time (remain stable). In the rare circumstance where a pineal cyst does cause symptoms, it may cause headaches, hydrocephalus, eye movement abnormalities, and Parinaud syndrome. Because most pineal cysts do not grow or cause symptoms, there are no established guidelines for routine follow-up for individuals with pineal cysts. Treatment is usually only considered when a cyst is causing symptoms. In the past, treatment for symptomatic pineal cysts included surgery to remove the cyst (craniotomy); more recently, less invasive procedures such as stereotactic aspiration or endoscopic treatmenthave been recommended.[*1, *2, *3]
What are the signs and symptoms of pineal cysts?
Pineal cysts are usually asymptomatic. However, there are rare cases of symptomatic pineal cysts which cause headaches, hydrocephalus, gaze palsy, Parinaud syndrome, and vertigo. Less frequently, patients with symptomatic pineal cysts may present with ataxia, motor and sensory impairment, mental and emotional disturbances, seizures, circadian rhythm disturbances, hypothalamic dysfunction of precocious puberty, and secondary parkinsonism.[*1, *3, *4] Pineal cysts can be symptomatic, headache is the most common symptom. [*3, *5]
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